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PLEASE NOTE: These skills and abilities should reflect your average day of play, not your best day of play. We all have days that we are ON FIRE, but this should be a reflection of your consistent performance.


  • New Player with limited experience

  • Getting the hang of keeping score and where to stand at the beginning of each point

  • Able to sustain a short rally with players of like skill level

  • Typically get 60% of their serves in bounds but lacking depth and accuracy

  • Is more comfortable with forehand and avoids backhand- lacks consistency and accuracy with ground strokes

  • Is able to volley with moderate consistency



  • Able to answer yes to all of the 2.5 requirements

  • 100% on the basic rules and knowing where to stand each point

  • Able to hit forehands with medium pace and some direction. Avoids backhand and lacks control.

  • Serves and returns are getting deeper and more consistent

  • Approaches the non volley zone rather than stay back

  • Aware of dinking and will dink occasionally but lacks control on height and placement of dinks

  • Knows what a 3rd shot drop is but rarely attempts it.  More comfortable with a 3rd shot drive

  • Able to hit a medium paced volley but still lacks in direction and consistency

  • Starting to compete in tournaments at a 3.0 level



  • Able to answer yes to all of the 3.0 requirements 

  • Has a deeper knowledge of  the rules beyond the basics (including net rules, net post issues, NVZ, etc)

  • Able to hit forehands with moderate level of control and direction. Backhand is improving and becoming more consistent

  • Serves and returns are deep and consistent

  • Able to sustain medium length dink rallies and developing dinking consistency

  • Beginning to implement the 3rd shot drop into their game but lack consistency and control 

  • Able to hit volleys with control and direction 

  • Developing accuracy in my shots and starting to utilize this in strategies

  • Beginning to strategize and work together with their partner to build the point

  • Developing a variety of shots in their arsenal both fast and slow shots

  • Competed in tournaments and consistently won or placed in the top 3 teams in 3.0 Skill Brackets



  • Able to answer yes to all of the 3.5 requirements 

  • Has a broad knowledge of the rules of the game

  • Utilizing both forehand and backhand with control and consistency.

  • Places high majority of serves and returns in with varying depth and speed.

  • Able to sustain dink rallies with varying height and depth of shot

  • Consistently executes 3rd shot drops and drives using them to create advantage but with inconsistent results

  • Can identify opponents weaknesses and formulate strategy to attack weaknesses

  • Developing the block to return fast, hard volleys

  • Understands which balls are attackable and those that are not in a dink rally

  • Able to change from power shots to soft shots and vice versa to create advantage

  • Able to stack and know when and how to use it effectively

  • Competed in tournaments and consistently won or placed in the top 3 teams in 3.5 Skill Brackets



  • Able to answer yes to all of the 4.0 requirements 

  • Has a high level of consistency with both forehand and backhand

  • Serves and returns with power, accuracy and depth

  • Able to dink with accuracy, variety, and consistency with offensive intent.

  • Recognizes and attempts to hit attackable dinks.

  • Consistently executes 3rd shot strategies, both drop and drive, that are not easily returned for advantage.

  • Able to block/reset hard volleys consistently 

  • Comfortable hitting swing volleys and overheads with accuracy and finish the point

  • Is proficient in moving laterally, backward and forward with partner.

  • Easily stacks court positions and understands the strategy of using it

  • Understands strategy and can adjust style of play and game plan according to opponents strengths and weaknesses.

  • Competed in tournaments and consistently won or placed in the top 3 teams in 4.0 Skill Brackets



  • Able to answer yes to all of the 4.5 requirements

  • Hits all shot types at a high level of ability with both forehand and backhand with touch, spin and pace to set up offensive situations.

  • Has developed touch from all court positions

  • Has developed a very high level of variety, depth and pace of serves

  • Mastered the dink and drop shots

  • Able to move opponents with shot placements and exhibits patience during rallies while creating opportunities to attack

  • Mastered 3rd shot choices and strategies to create opportunities for winning points.  Can drop and drive from forehand and backhand with high level of consistency.

  • Able to block consistently, execute attacks and counter attacks consistently with swing volleys and speed ups.

  • Mastered pickleball strategies and can vary strategies and styles of play in competitive or tournament matches.  

  • Is successful in turning defensive shots into offensive shots.

  • Easily and quickly adjusts style of play and game plan according to opponents strengths and weaknesses. 

  • Rarely makes unforced errors

  • Competed in tournaments and consistently won or placed in the top 3 teams in 4.5 Skill Brackets

  • Ready to breakthrough to the Next Level?  Check out our Next Level Training Series

For a more in depth understanding, and copies of the USAPA rating assessment sheets used in our Skill Assessment Sessions, please visit the USA PICKLEBALL SITE

Ready to breakthrough to the next level in Pickleball? Check out:

Pickleball Clinics

Pickleball Lessons



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